Recent Book Review

The Faith of Ronald Reagan by Mary Beth Brown is an excellent read for all of you who are devoted to following the life of Ronald Reagan.  When provided with the opportunity to select a book to review my choice was very easy when I saw this book as one of my choices.  Why.  I respect Ronald Reagan and the life he lived as a public servant.  Now I am being given the opportunity read about his faith, an opportunity I had not had before.
The book’s jacket back said “Reagan’s greatest virtue wasn’t allegiance to country, but allegiance to God”.  What a powerful statement to make and to read as I held the book in my hands.  I knew from that statement that I was in for a powerful read.
As I began my read I was hooked when I read how his life of faith and dependence on God came from the seed planted by his mother.  If you are looking for a book that provides you with a wealth of information and is very in depth in details about Reagan’s life of faith you need look no further.
If there was one book I could give to all of my friends and family members “The Faith of Ronald Reagan” would be that book.
I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

"Did You Bless Someome This Christmas"

This is no big question.  You may have overheard someone say they were hoping to get a particular gift for Christmas.  Weeks go by and you are out shopping, it dawns on you that “X” said they wanted “Y”.  Just so happens “Y” is on sale and you proceed to purchase it.  As a gift for “X”.  When you walked into the store making that purchase was not on your mind or shopping list.  So where did the idea come from?  If you are a Christian I’d say it was a prompting of the “Holy Spirit”.
Other times in a general conversation we overhear what someone wants and we make it our mission to see that we get it for them even if they receive five (5) of them at least you did your part.  Other times we intentionally make sure we get that gift for that person, and in so doing we are blessed, may be a good feeling or may be goose bumps.
With so many in need today you would be surprised how a sack of groceries is a blessing that is beyond belief.  I have a short story to share.
In the 1800’s in England there was a Christian man who felt led by God to open orphanages for the thousands of orphans running the streets.  He proceeded to open several orphanages.  His one rule was no one was to know what the needs were but God.  One day they all sat down to bless the food before they ate (not knowing there was no food).  After the blessing all of the children watched eagerly waiting the food for the meal.  (Remember there was no food.)  At that moment the town Baker knocked on the door saying “  I have hundreds of rolls and loaves of bread can you use them”?  God met their needs with others bringing food.
So.  How can you bless someone with only $10.00-$15.00?