As we look at the topic of “Blessing” we must look at how we “Bless” those in our personal relationships be they family, friends, neighbors, co-worker or others. We are personally responsible for how we treat others, whoever they are. We must guard the hearts of not only our self but also of all who are in our sphere of influence.
One of the biggest problems we create for our self is failing to keep matters of the heart front and center. It is so very easy in today’s world to get so busy we are dealing with our problems, our issues, what we are dealing with that we completely overlook everything else. Especially when our actions or lack of them affects all of those around us in either a positive or negative manner.
Without even realizing it our actions have/leave either a positive or a negative effect on all of those around us and potentially have a far reaching effect. This effect may be able to be forgiven if dealt with immediately. If left to fester and lay on the offendeds heart too long the damage will be far worse. So how do we prevent this from happening?
One way is to keep short accounts with both God and man. I have found that when I check in with God on a daily basis HE points out to me the negative impact my actions have had on another at which time it is my responsibility to go to the individual God has pointed out to me that I need to apologize to and ask for forgiveness.
I will share a personal example. In 2001 I offended someone and even though God pointed it out in a short time, I fell into a “out of sight out of mind” set. Soon 10 years had passed. I started attending a new church and guess who God sat right behind me? Yes, the man I had offended 10 years before.
Yes, I felt led to ask for his forgiveness several times over the next 8 months, I waited until the Easter service to pull him aside to put this incident behind me (after all isn’t Easter the time for new beginnings). How did the offended man respond? He had no idea what I was talking about and to my surprise felt that he needed my forgiveness for not being there for me at my time of need in 2001. We left church that day as 2 forgiven and blessed men.
Please keep short accounts with man and God.