R U (You) A Blessing?

Me/Really? Am I a blessing? I don't know. I may be. must be. how do I know, who do I ask, is this a Pastor question, can someone help? Please?...............

If you find yourself asking any of these questions chances are you are NOT a blessing to anyone or organization.  So where do you start?  Identify a person or family and determine the need.  Then determine if with your resources can you meet the need or do you need additional resources? 

One idea is to start blessing those who have a need you can afford.  Remember no one is to know about your blessing just you and God no one else.  (Matthew 6:2-4)

Keep Short Accounts With God and Man

As we look at the topic of “Blessing” we must look at how we “Bless” those in our personal relationships be they family, friends, neighbors, co-worker or others.  We are personally responsible for how we treat others, whoever they are.  We must guard the hearts of not only our self but also of all who are in our sphere of influence.
One of the biggest problems we create for our self is failing to keep matters of the heart front and center.  It is so very easy in today’s world to get so busy we are dealing with our problems, our issues, what we are dealing with that we completely overlook everything else.  Especially when our actions or lack of them affects all of those around us in either a positive or negative manner.
Without even realizing it our actions have/leave either a positive or a negative effect on all of those around us and potentially have a far reaching effect.  This effect may be able to be forgiven if dealt with immediately.  If left to fester and lay on the offendeds heart too long the damage will be far worse.  So how do we prevent this from happening?
One way is to keep short accounts with both God and man.  I have found that when I check in with God on a daily basis HE points out to me the negative impact my actions have had on another at which time it is my responsibility to go to the individual God has pointed out to me that I need to apologize to and ask for forgiveness.
I will share a personal example.  In 2001 I offended someone and even though God pointed it out in a short time, I fell into a “out of sight out of mind” set.  Soon 10 years had passed.  I started attending a new church and guess who God sat right behind me?  Yes, the man I had offended 10 years before.
Yes, I felt led to ask for his forgiveness several times over the next 8 months, I waited until the Easter service to pull him aside to put this incident behind me (after all isn’t Easter the time for new beginnings).  How did the offended man respond?  He had no idea what I was talking about and to my surprise felt that he needed my forgiveness for not being there for me at my time of need in 2001.  We left church that day as 2 forgiven and blessed men.
Please keep short accounts with man and God.

Been Blessed Lately?

Have YOU been blessed lately?  What would a blessing look like to you?  Would you recognize a blessing if someone “Blessed” you?  Also, does your blessing have to look like someone else’s?  Lastly, must “YOU” bless others in order to be blessed yourself?
Some interesting questions asked right?  This whole blessing thing can seem to be problematic can’t it?  Let’s look at some of those “Blessing Questions”.
Have YOU been blessed lately?  Well have you?  What did it look like?  Did it look or feel like you thought it would?  How could it have looked and felt better?  Is it possible that someone blessed you and you missed it because you we’re not looking and expecting to be blessed?  Do you believe you must be prepared in some way to be blessed?
What would a blessing look like to you?  If a blessing landed in your lap would you recognize it and would it be what you were expecting?  Also, is it possible that you would expect for your blessing to look just like the way you blessed others/
Also, does your blessing have to look like someone else’s?  Maybe yes and maybe no it all depends on your perception.  I am sure we are all blessed everyday in some way shape or form and do not realize it because we are not expecting enough.
Lastly, must “YOU” bless others in order to be blessed yourself?  The most likely answer may be yes.  The more you bless others without you letting them know it was you the more likely you will be blessed. 

Pictured above is today's sunshine.  What a "Blessing" for everyone.

Recent Book Review

Reggie by Reggie Dabbs and John Driver is an excellent read for all of you who are devoted to following the variety of special event speakers that circulate around the country.  Reggie captivates the reader’s attention on page one in the poem he starts his story with.  Once you have read the poem and the rest of chapter one you the reader are inclined to want to read the remainder of the book.  But, hold on for you are in for great ride.
The books jacket say’s “You Can’t Change Your Past, But You Can Change Your Future”.  Based on Reggie’s start in life and the obstacles he was faced with he takes the reader on an intense eventful ride.  He will take you places in his life story that I don’t believe you would personally want to go.
Reggie spends a lot of his time giving his presentation to high school student’s assemblies and has them right in the palm of his hand.  They are captivated by the true life story he brings to them.  He is very smooth in his delivery of Biblical stories and the way he walks you the reader into them.
I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

Recent Book Review

The Faith of Ronald Reagan by Mary Beth Brown is an excellent read for all of you who are devoted to following the life of Ronald Reagan.  When provided with the opportunity to select a book to review my choice was very easy when I saw this book as one of my choices.  Why.  I respect Ronald Reagan and the life he lived as a public servant.  Now I am being given the opportunity read about his faith, an opportunity I had not had before.
The book’s jacket back said “Reagan’s greatest virtue wasn’t allegiance to country, but allegiance to God”.  What a powerful statement to make and to read as I held the book in my hands.  I knew from that statement that I was in for a powerful read.
As I began my read I was hooked when I read how his life of faith and dependence on God came from the seed planted by his mother.  If you are looking for a book that provides you with a wealth of information and is very in depth in details about Reagan’s life of faith you need look no further.
If there was one book I could give to all of my friends and family members “The Faith of Ronald Reagan” would be that book.
I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

"Did You Bless Someome This Christmas"

This is no big question.  You may have overheard someone say they were hoping to get a particular gift for Christmas.  Weeks go by and you are out shopping, it dawns on you that “X” said they wanted “Y”.  Just so happens “Y” is on sale and you proceed to purchase it.  As a gift for “X”.  When you walked into the store making that purchase was not on your mind or shopping list.  So where did the idea come from?  If you are a Christian I’d say it was a prompting of the “Holy Spirit”.
Other times in a general conversation we overhear what someone wants and we make it our mission to see that we get it for them even if they receive five (5) of them at least you did your part.  Other times we intentionally make sure we get that gift for that person, and in so doing we are blessed, may be a good feeling or may be goose bumps.
With so many in need today you would be surprised how a sack of groceries is a blessing that is beyond belief.  I have a short story to share.
In the 1800’s in England there was a Christian man who felt led by God to open orphanages for the thousands of orphans running the streets.  He proceeded to open several orphanages.  His one rule was no one was to know what the needs were but God.  One day they all sat down to bless the food before they ate (not knowing there was no food).  After the blessing all of the children watched eagerly waiting the food for the meal.  (Remember there was no food.)  At that moment the town Baker knocked on the door saying “  I have hundreds of rolls and loaves of bread can you use them”?  God met their needs with others bringing food.
So.  How can you bless someone with only $10.00-$15.00?

"The Blessing" Jacob Gets Isaac's Blessing!

Blessing.  "What is a blessing?"  The Dictionary defines a "Blessing" as: 1. the act or words of a person who blesses, 2. a special favor, mercy or benefit, 3. a favor or gift bestowed by God, 4. the invocation of God's favor upon a person, 6. approval.

Until you read the above definition of "blessing" you may have had your own ideas or thoughts on what a blessing may have been.  One idea may have been to be very wealthy or own a lot of land.  Another may have been to live a life with no wants or unmet needs.  Therefore, depending on who you ask you will get a different answer. We can all relate to that can't we?  Let's look at a type of blessing you may be unfamiliar with.

Using "The Message" version of the Bible we will examine a non-material blessing.  Genesis 27: 1b-4, 6, 27-29

Issac called for Esau his eldest son and told him "I am an old man and I might die any day now so go hunt some wild game, then fix me a hearty meal to eat so that I can give you my personal blessing".  Rebekah was eavesdropping and she told her younger son Jacob what Issac's plans were.  She instructed Jacob to get two goats for her to "prepare into a hearty meal the kind your father loves".  Once the meal was prepared Jacob put on some dress up clothes that smelled and took the food to his father.

He came close to his father and kissed him and Isaac smelled the smell of his clothes.  Finally, he blessed him, "Ahhh.  The smell of my son is like the smell of the open country blessed by God.  May God give you of heaven's dew and the Earth's bounty of grain and wine.  May peoples serve you and nations honor you.  You will master your brothers, and your mother's sons will honor her.  Those who curse you will be cursed, those who bless you will be blessed."

My guess is very few of us have personally received the type of "Blessing" described above.  As a parent I can't help but wonder how our children would act as adults if we blessed them in this way?

A Personal Note to Readers:  Please suggest ideas for future "Blessings" postings in the "Comment" section.